Body Shop Body Butter

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I am a big believer in everyday moisturising wether its your face or your body and over time you will begin to realise how obsessed I am with the Body Shop's Body Butter, I'm always trying out other brands but constantly find myself coming back to this product time and time again.

So when I saw that they had an offer on where I could get two for £16 I couldn't help myself.

I treated myself to the Coconut and Cocoa flavours, both of these are for very dry skin and smell so amazing I have at times been slightly tempted to just eat it, however i wouldn't recommend you do so.

Coconut Body Butter
This is my most favourite out of the whole range, it takes me back to summertime as it smells just like sunscreen with its strong tropical coconut scent.

Cocoa Body Butter
This is the first time I have tried the Cocoa flavour, the delicious nutty scent isn't as overpowering as the coconut. I'd say this is a better one for an everyday moisturiser.

Both of these are a really thick rich cream that rubs into the skin well and keeps it really well moisturised. 

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